

Add a Credit
From the main menu, arrive at the Customers list with this path: Accounts Receivable> Customers. The Customers list is displayed.  Locate the customer in the list, and then click on the hyperlink in the Customer # column to open the customer record...
Apply a Credit
If a credit was created for a customer, and there were no open invoices to apply the credit at the time of creation, you may manually apply credits to customer invoices when a new invoice is saved. To apply a credit, you must first open the custome...
Edit a Credit
A Credit may be edited if the following conditions are true: The credit has not been applied to any invoices.  The credit has not been mailed or emailed to the customer. The user has permissions for editing credits. To edit a Credit, you must ...
Unapply a Credit
If a credit was applied to the incorrect invoice, you may unapply the credit application.  This may be done from the Credit record or from the Invoice to which the credit was applied.  Both methods are covered in this section. Unapply a Credit from...