Warehouses Overview
A Warehouse may be a physical storage facility which is usually on company property, a vehicle driven by installers or service technicians, or a fictitious location used for tracking purposes. When creating Employee records in setup for the company...
Warehouse List Definitions
To view the Warehouse list, navigate to Inventory > Warehouses. The Warehouse list will be displayed. At the upper right of the page, a dollar amount will be displayed, which is the value of all parts in all warehouses. There are three basic func...
Warehouse Record Definitions
When clicking on the hyperlink of a warehouse in the Warehouse Code column within the grid of the Warehouse list, the warehouse page will be displayed. There are several tabs within the warehouse record, each of which will be explained below. ...
Add a Warehouse
To add a new Warehouse, navigate to Inventory > Warehouses. The Warehouse list will be displayed. Click on the Add Warehouse button. The Warehouse form will be displayed. The data entry fields are described below. Fields with a red bullet t...
Delete a Warehouse
To delete an existing Warehouse, navigate to Inventory > Warehouses. The Warehouse list will be displayed. Click on the Delete button to the right of the desired warehouse. Note : Deleting a warehouse will not permanently remove the record, bu...
Edit a Warehouse
To edit an existing Warehouse, navigate to Inventory > Warehouses. The Warehouse list will be displayed. Click on the Edit button to the right of the desired warehouse. The Warehouse form will be displayed. Make the necessary changes, and t...
Reactivate a Warehouse
To reactivate a previously deleted (inactivated) Warehouse, navigate to Inventory > Warehouses. The Warehouse list will be displayed. Click on the toggle button “Show Inactive Warehouses”. A list of all inactive warehouses will be displayed. ...