Site RMR


Add Site RMR
RMR (Recurring Monthly Revenue) is a service invoiced to a customer on a recurring basis.  RMR is typically attached to a System record, however, the software will allow you to attach an RMR to a Site record. To add an RMR, you must first access th...
Cancel Site RMR
A User is able to cancel an RMR record only if the User has permissions to edit RMR. RMR records are attached to a Customer record, so you must first access the customer record.  From the main menu, arrive at the Customers list with this path: Acco...
Delete Site RMR
A User is able to delete an RMR record only if the RMR has never invoiced and the User has permissions to delete RMR. RMR records are attached to a Customer record, so you must first access the customer record. From the main menu, arrive at the Cu...
Edit Site RMR
RMR records are attached to a Customer record, so you must first access the customer record. From the main menu, arrive at the Customers list with this path: Accounts Receivable> Customers. The Customers list will be displayed.  Locate the Custome...
Remove Site RMR Cancellation
A User is able to remove an RMR cancellation only if the original cancellation date has not passed, and the User has permissions to edit RMR. RMR records are attached to a Customer record, so you must first access the customer record. From the mai...
RMR Custom Fields
To access the RMR Custom Fields, you must first open a customer record. From the main menu, arrive at the Customers list with this path: Accounts Receivable> Customers. The Customers list will be displayed.  Locate the customer in the list, and th...