Proposal Status


Proposal Status Overview
Proposal Statuses are used to track the progress of a Proposal.  When a new Proposal is created, the user must select a status.  As the sales cycle progresses, users manually update the proposal status.  When viewing the Proposals List, users are ab...
Add a Proposal Status
Proposal Statuses are used to track the progress of a proposal.  When a new proposal is created, users must select a status. As the sales cycle progresses, users manually update the proposal status. When viewing the Proposals List, users can sort an...
Delete a Proposal Status
To delete a Proposal Status, from the main menu, arrive at the Proposal Status setup with this path: Setup > Proposals > Proposal Statuses. The Proposal Status list is displayed. Locate the Status you want to delete, and then click the Delete butto...
Edit a Proposal Status
To edit a Proposal Status, from the main menu, arrive at the Proposal Status setup with this path: Setup > Proposals > Proposal Statuses. The Proposal Status list is displayed. Locate the Status you want to edit, and then click the Edit button. ...