Issues & Returns


Issues and Returns (Pro)
The Issues and Returns page shows all issues and returns that have been completed. Users can also issue and return parts from this page. (Inventory > Issues & Returns) The grid on this page has these columns: Issue/Return: This shows if the tra...
Returning Parts to Stock (Pro)
Users can return parts that have been issued to a work order back to a warehouse. Users can do this on a work order, on the Parts tab, and on the Issues/Returns tab by clicking the Return button. Clicking this button opens the Issue/Return page wi...
How to enter a miscellaneous issue or return (Pro)
Open the Issues & Returns page. (Inventory > Issues & Returns) Click +Issue/Return Parts. A popup window opens. Switch the Is Miscellaneous field to Yes. (By default, this is No.) Choose an issue or return. Click OK. At a minimum e...